made by dunkirkharrygf on twitter
welcome to the one direction // solo safe place!
this is a safe space for directoners or solo stans when they are feeling anxious, if they miss any of the boys or any other reason at all stay safe, stay as long as you want <3
click on who you need :)
Harry is proud of you he loves you he knows you are vaild he is so proud of you drinking water today
messages from harry ↓
louis is proud of you, louis knows you are valid, louis loves you he is so proud of you for getting up today
- louis interviews
- louis asmr
- louis breathing exercise
- louis breathing exercise part 2
- too young breathing exercise
- louflix
messages from louis ↓
niall is proud of you, he loves you , he knows you are valid and he is so proud that you ate today
- niall horan interviews
- niall horan asmr
- niall flix
- black and white empty arena
- niall horan breathing exercise
- niall lives
messages from niall ↓
zayn loves you, zayn is proud of you, he knows that ur valid zayn is so glad that you are here
- zayn asmr
- zayn interviews
- zayn breathing exercise
- zayn breathing exercise part 2
- zayn flix
- zayn cute moments 8 mins
messages from zayn ↓
liam is proud of you, liam loves you, liam knows ur valid, liam believes in you